Front Cover (2015)
Great exploration of identity
10 April 2016
I saw this film as part of the Seattle Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Immediately this film came off very differently from the stereotypical "gay" films that you would see on Netflix or at lesser festivals (the Seattle festival is extremely well curated!). Front Cover focuses its attention on the idea of identity and the many different aspects of life that inform your own sense of identity. Being gay was a big part of this but nationality, upbringing, religion, etc. were all touched on. Having this well rounded approach was a big boon to the movie and kept it from being a "gay" movie and, instead, is a GOOD movie.

My biggest revelation leaving the theater is that one of the male leads, Jake Choi, needs more acting jobs in film and TV. I've seen him in a couple of small parts before Front Cover and this just proved he is an excellent actor with good range.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how touching this film was. Even if you can't personally relate to certain aspects of the characters dilemmas (being gay, being Chinese or Chinese-American), it is still well worth your time.
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