Pure Pwnage (2016)
Was I let down with the final product? HELL NO!
17 May 2016
PURE PWNAGE The MOVIE review by Mike Smith "FAT Mike"

Kyle wants to make a Pure Pwnage movie and has to do some convincing because Jeremy is now living the suburban life and doesn't want to participate; will Jeremy pwn again? I am a big fan of the Pure Pwnage franchise, from the web show to the unfortunately short lived TV show. So when I saw the Indiegogo campaign for this movie, I had to help.

Was I let down with the final product? HELL NO! It was good to catch up with these characters again. From start to finish I laughed my ass off and it feels like everyone brought their A game. Now if you haven't seen any Pure Pwnage, I highly recommend checking out some of the web show and some of the TV show (because they are a bit different) before you check out this awesome Canadian independent film.

The story is awesome but the movie is heavy on League of Legends, which is the game they focus on. I do know a little bit about League of Legends but it is one game I don't play... if you don't know the game it doesn't take away from the movie which is awesome so all gamers and fans can still enjoy.

The film moves at a good pace with lots of laughs and not once did I feel board. An awesome story, classic characters and lines that are funny and quotable; Pure Pwnage The Movie has a lot of rewatch value. I really hope to see more from the Pure Pwnage... Cheers and remember life won't suck as long as there is a good movie to watch noobs.

10 out of 10

Edited by Sam Locke

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