Review of Crazed

Crazed (2014)
Fun Full Speed Flic with no pretensions
4 June 2016
WOW! After coming across the unique retro artwork for this film by Tom Hodge, I immediately put this one in my queue. SO Happy to say I did! This is one messed the heck up action film, and I say that in the best possible way! The story takes place in a place called Harbor City. Much like Frank Rodriguez did on a much larger budget, these indie film makers were able to create a whole new fictional world, and the results are terrific. The story is about a vigilante cop (Ronan Pierce) that would do anything and everything to find his kidnapped wife, and the result is a bombardment of some truly creatively grotesque payback and retribution. Given the way each of the villains are built up, the results are twisted and sometimes funny as hell. The cinematography is first rate, the acting is fitting for what the filmmakers are trying to accomplish (there are a couple huge standouts in the characters Lazarus and Lodder), and I REALLY enjoyed was the soundtrack. Almost always present (which you may or may not like), it is dark dingy rock n roll with a Nine Inch Nails /Chemical Brothers type vibe, perfect for the on-screen visuals. I can't say there is any direct comparison to this film, but if you enjoy your comic heroes dark and a little deranged,this one's for you - the anti-Marvel!
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