Review of Powerplay

Powerplay (1999 TV Movie)
Good Performance by Danielle Ciardi
18 June 2016
This movie begins with a beautiful woman named "Jacqueline Knight" (Shannon Tweed) spending some time with a man in a hot tub. The man then becomes quite ill and while he is incapacitated Jacqueline spends her time collecting everything of value she can find. However, when she reaches for the watch he is wearing he awakens and during the struggle Jacqueline wastes little time in killing him. Not long afterward she meets up with another wealthy man named "Benjamin Alcott" (Bryan Kent) and proceeds to utilize the same plan as before. Unfortunately, Benjamin has a stepdaughter named "Candice Alcott" (Danielle Ciardi) who has little regard for Jacqueline. She also has a boyfriend by the name of "Steve Ganse" (James Richer) who would like nothing better than to marry Candice and get his hands on her stepfather's fortune. That being the case, it's a good bet that Benjamin and his money will soon be separated. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that the erotic scenes involving Danielle Ciardi were quite good and certainly added to the overall entertainment value of this film. Unfortunately, despite her performance, it lacked the necessary suspense or depth to achieve a really high rating. That said, I have rated this film accordingly. Average.
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