Domino (2005)
27 June 2016
DOMINO is a messy film, one of the most overblown I've seen. It rattles along at a fair old pace, screaming and shooting, and director Tony Scott goes out of his way to make every scene, every frame even, as stylish as possible. It's a mess of choppy editing, over the top dialogue and people screaming as they shoot each other while a pumping soundtrack plays over the proceedings.

The huge cast come in and out of the storyline, about bounty hunters going after some guys who've stolen a massive haul, and it's all rather lightweight and nonsensical. The ensemble cast is good, but these are caricatures rather than real people, and larger than life doesn't really describe the huge egos and outlandish behaviour filling the screen. I've never liked Knightley, but she's probably at her best here, given the chance to do something other than period dramas; Mickey Rourke is gravely and tough, continuing the career rehabilitation begun with SIN CITY; Christopher Walken shines in a supporting role.

But the script is all over the place and the attempts at comedy sit ill with the main thrust of the story – long, unnecessary segments including the Jerry Springer one just drag the film down and scream self-indulgence. By the end, I neither knew nor cared about any of the cardboard characters in this headache-inducing movie, just longing for it to be over.
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