Yeah, pretty bad
5 July 2016
I only saw this movie because I heard it was the worst Hercules movie ever made, or the worst movie made based on Greek mythology. Whatever the standards, this is quite bad. The biggest drawback is the special effects. I mean, that has to be the fakest looking dragon I've ever seen in my whole life. This movie fails because the buildup is so poor. Almost everything is talked about in the first ten minutes and then the plot just goes from random place to random place. There's little point in keeping up, because you're so uninvested. Many scenes just go on way too long for no reason, especially the parts with the elephants and Hercules opening the door.

This film also lacks humor in every sense of the word. For all the flak I give this, I will admit that the backgrounds and sets are actually quite good. They really do come off as quite colorful. That's certainly not enough to save this. I'm used to seeing bad movies like this on MST3K, but not this time. Why didn't they ever use this on the show or even Rifftrax? Maybe they will someday. *1/2
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