Review of RePlay

RePlay (2016– )
Enjoyable and addicting, but (understandably) short
1 July 2016
The simple premise of this show, Allison, an aspiring DJ, being given the opportunity to repeat her birthday that goes horribly wrong, doesn't even come close to doing this series justice. After the initial, relatively normal episodes laying the foundation and rules to be beautifully built upon later, the 12 episode series takes you into a rabbit hole of silly and bad decisions, comedic abuses of power, plot twists that are impossible to see coming, and character development so funny, real, or downright scary that you can help but become addicted, wanting to know what turn the show will take on the next episode. The amount of great and varied characters that they manage to introduce are all hilariously written an very well acted, ranging from a musical duo who has lost all concept of reality and those crazy enough who follow them, to psychotic neighbors and ex's. It never introduces anyone boring or, quite frankly, normal and will make you want to see more of them, especially when a few steal every scene they're in. Easy to love and and easier to binge, this series is great for what it is, and despite its exclusivity with an app/website and a plot basis that you've seen before, it's very well worth the watch and will leave you wanting to see more of everyone in it- all while going places that said plots have never gone before. And again, I cannot stress how well the characters develop because that makes the show, especially the main three, Allison, Sasha, and Nate, along with basically everyone else, being on par with existing characters on popular TV shows as the series goes on. It's an unpredictable ride with unpredictable people that took me by surprise on how well it was crafted, especially considering it's a web show, at some points even having me forget I wasn't watching something with a TV budget, just letting myself enjoy it. It should be praised for that, and it gets me excited for the future of web content. What more could anyone ask for?
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