Having seen the hype for this film on many lesbian blogs, I was eager to see what All About E had to offer the 2015' queer cinema lineup. I was pleasantly surprised! As I read on 'Afterellen,' "it's the road movie you never knew you wanted!".
All About E avoids the tragic clichés of lesbians depicted on screen that we see time and time again. It joins the new wave of independent and mainstream cinema giving gay women what we want to see on screen, but manages to do so with half the budget of partner films.
The directorial debut of Louis Wadley, All About E, appeals to a wide audience, with a plot that ticks over nicely, believable performances, cinematography that uniquely frames the Australian outback, some drama and laughs and a refreshingly realistic love scene.
It's an independent Aussie film that carves out a nice little niche for itself.. All About E sets out to set our hearts aflutter and asks you to come along for the ride.
All About E avoids the tragic clichés of lesbians depicted on screen that we see time and time again. It joins the new wave of independent and mainstream cinema giving gay women what we want to see on screen, but manages to do so with half the budget of partner films.
The directorial debut of Louis Wadley, All About E, appeals to a wide audience, with a plot that ticks over nicely, believable performances, cinematography that uniquely frames the Australian outback, some drama and laughs and a refreshingly realistic love scene.
It's an independent Aussie film that carves out a nice little niche for itself.. All About E sets out to set our hearts aflutter and asks you to come along for the ride.