Review of Spotlight

Spotlight (I) (2015)
Hollywood being Hollywood
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another film with big name actors playing journalists. Same clichés in far superior films such as All The President's Men (ATPM); everything that worked in that film did not work for this one (IMHO). The only two characters that didn't annoy me were played by Tucci and Schriever (sp). I see this material and subject better suited as a documentary piece on Dateline and 20/20. If it had to be a film then I think casting lesser/unknown actors would deliver more of an impact and remove the preconceived notions and biases of the bigger names involved here. Ron Slattery is an old hat at playing the upper management type and is no different here..Michael Keaton plays another manager who gets to sit in an office (did they really need him to do this?). Rachel McAdams gets another shot at being a serious reporter (State of Play) while being stripped of the charm and freshness she brought in Wedding Crashers, Morning Glory. We are treated to Mark Ruffalo running to the office (deep, riveting stuff). Then we get to watch him in the waiting room of a law office until he takes initiative to talk to the lawyer (another reference to ATPM). To me it distracts from a really important subject and has Hollywood stamped all over it. Best Picture? Something tells me it was a foregone conclusion that when this was released it would be nominated, regardless of merit.
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