@Vishnu S- its just a movie. I don't believe it said documentary or based on true events anywhere in its description. Its not a history lesson or something you should hold facts to so get over yourself and go criticize a documentary. Its a drama not a history lesson. As for calling it propaganda, are you f@!king serious? Anyone who believes that load of crap or is persuaded by this movie should join you and your mission to educate the world based on fictitious movies. I highly doubt the director or creator of this movie was trying to trick people into thinking American soldiers are heroes. They don't have to because for most of us, we already feel that way about our soldiers. And yes it is a movie so they are going to glorify the good guys and make the bad guys look bad. Thats usually how movies work. Its funny how you had to correct certain things that weren't true, then had to try and educate people on the truth. Its a MOVIE.. If your so intelligent why couldn't you see that fact? People don't watch movies to educate themselves they watch them for the entertainment value. People watch the news (which is nothing but propaganda) or documentaries to educate themselves. Movies can be dangerous to people like you... that's a scary thought.