The Ice House (1997)
not enough material for a three hour movie
8 February 2016
The gardener Fred Phillips finds a discomposed body in the ice house of an estate where Diana Goode, Anne Cattrell and Phoebe Maybury are living. Molly Phillips is the cook. D.C.I. Walsh is investigating with his younger partner D.S. McLoughlin (Daniel Craig). Walsh suspects Maybury right away after investigating her husband's disappearance ten years previously. Goode and Cattrell rent separate wings of the estate. Many in the small town spread rumors of the women's lesbianism.

It's a three hour 2-parter and there is probably enough material for one and half hour. The acting is solid and there is a younger Daniel Craig earning his stripes. The movie needs to be quicker but the long running really gets into the way. The start is pretty good but it slowly runs out of steam. The solid acting struggles to maintain interest.
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