Zoolander 2 (2016)
It was okay but not really a satisfying sequel to the comedy classic.
11 February 2016
6/10 - translation: average. Zoolander (the original) is one of my favourite all-time comedy classics. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about this sequel. Not that Zoolander 2 was terrible, though. It was alright but it wasn't anything special either. The jokes were not as effortless as those in Zoolander, and I felt that Stiller was running out of ideas, frequently simply recreating scenes from the original Zoolander. The jokes were not that great, I only laughed at about half of them - probably less, but I wasn't keeping track - and even still, they were just little chuckles or laughs of light-hearted shock, if you get what I mean - "haha what? are you kidding me?". Oh, and I am honestly losing hope in the comedy genre, Zoolander confirms its downhill spiral (or at least to me). Everyone seems to be resorting to unfunny sexual/crude humour because sex sells, am I right? Well, the level of this sort of humour nowadays honestly makes me want to gag - every comedy has way too much crude humour! It's a lazy attempt at comedy, and to me it's not funny at all. I miss the dumb- but-secretly-clever humour of the original Zoolander, but it didn't really come back into the light in Zoolander 2. The plot was kind of everywhere and it was not at all what I expected - although there were some good moments, it was just too unorganised. In summary, Zoolander 2 was not absolutely terrible, but It wasn't great either. It was just average to me. The weird thing is that there were supposed to be so many celebrity cameos (another thing I think was just there to attract a wider audience) but I think I might've missed a lot of them, I mean I remember seeing Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Ariana Grande, but that's it. Also, I kind of felt that a sequel was unnecessary. I mean, I was quite satisfied with the original Zoolander as a conclusion of itself, and to learn that Zoolander 2 came out made me excited but confused as to "why now? and why anyway?". Anyway, if you're a Zoolander fan, go into this with very low expectations, because that's probably the only way you'll feel somewhat satisfied with this sequel.
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