50 Shades Of Shite
17 February 2016
After weeks of being teased by the trailer I was so excited to see this film! I was expecting 50 Shades Of Grey meets Scary Movie- you know, a parody that actually worked. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It was more 50 Shades Of Shite.

Five minutes in to the film and I knew i'd spend the remaining 1 hour 27 minutes with my palm on my forehead, cringing for my life at it's stupidity.The film had potential to be very funny but the idea was crushed by the terrible acting, and pathetic excuse for dark humor. I can account for the two times, throughout the whole movie, I let out a slight giggle- well it was more of a scoff but at least it triggered some kind of emotion eh.

As a kid I loved the Haunted House and Marlon Wayans was brilliant in it; I think this is why I expected great things. I think he should stick to his PG rating films. It's crude sexual content contained stereotypical 'humor' that could be considered racist towards African American's and many people could take offence. I find it offensive that we are expected to pay as much as £5 to watch this. Watching paint dry is more entertaining.

I was counting down the painful minutes, praying for the movie to end. When it did, sheer disappointment and disgust was how I was left feeling about this movie. This film is a waste of time and a waste of a cinema slot.
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