Started out somewhat amusing but quickly fell down cliché central
23 February 2016
I thought this was gonna be a found footage movie, it's not.

There is SOME footage that are meant to be captured from the characters in the film but 85% or more are 'normal' footage, just thought I'd point that out so you know that that is not the case.

It starts off as sort of a satire of ghost hunting shows, 'GHOST ADVENTURES' in particular, they even use the same script for the intro and stuff as them.

Plotwise it's very similar to 'GRAVE ENCOUNTERS (2011)' which also started out with making fun of these kind of shows, just to turn spooky and creepy for real.

Where as in this one, they try but it never really actually gets scary or anything and the jokes start falling flat pretty early on and the acting is a bit amateurish over all as is the whole film production.

It simply doesn't have close enough of substance to fill up the 90 minutes of screen time.

So yeah I recommend 'GRAVE ENCOUNTERS (2011)' instead, it succeeds where this movie does not.
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