A film about dreams, about dreaming and put back together the fragments of their past
2 March 2016
I was very impressed by this product, the son of the nineties. There is to be noted that I am a lover of the Italian cinema of the past two decades, did not know about this medium-length film and watch it sincerely I did not mind at all, indeed .... I can count one of the best short films produced in the decade aforementioned The director based on what I have read and according to what I heard in the small interview, the film in question has maintained for many years and do not go out on any support because according to her watch it from home does not make .. ..but it is also true that not release it means at the same time do get lonely Luckily he thought better of it and has been included here on Youtube and I have a choice in my opinion good idea, because it would be sacrilegious not to, at least that those who have not ever watched will finally do it. Then the quality of "8 regeneration" is really good, maybe the sound is sometimes not the best, and I mean in scenes where there is loud music or voice mail messages but these contours do not think are relevant hear them 100% For the rest of the colors of medium length, they are quite dark, the rest is also understandable given the subject. The actors are very in part, I liked especially her husband, really good! Finally, before concluding my comment, 8 Regeneration succeeds in, or to clearly show the message he wants to give the viewer, primarily loneliness and secondly (as the title) an inner regeneration
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