Eastbound & Down (2009–2013)
Slow burner that becomes phenomenal
12 September 2016
Maybe it was the first two episodes - but, I wasn't really hooked by them. I came back to the series - and it turned into one of the funniest series I have ever seen. There are some cameo performances by the likes of Don Johnson, Matthew MaConaughey and Sacha Baron-Cohen. It is ironic that SBC was in this series - as he appeared to do something similar with Brothers Grimsby in a British context, but fell so short, sadly, of the standards achieved in E&D.

Stick with E&D - it is remarkable - crass, but laugh-out-loud funny and still manages to be endearing. Kenny Powers' utterings are so politically incorrect it is more of a lens on the kind of folk who genuinely come out with such cringe-making observations.

This series deserves much wider appreciation as it is a stand-out piece of work that amazingly gets better and better./
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