Actor in Law (2016)
International Standards: Average Movie; Pakistan Standards: Above Average
16 September 2016
Well, I am one of those people who desperately urge Pakistan Cinema to revive. So if some movie does not add to that objective I feel sad about it and If any movie is doing good I kind of feel excited about it.

Talking specifically about this movie. There are goods and not-so- goods about it. In comparison to Pakistan movie standards for Direction, it was excellent. Song picturisation was neatly arranged, precise, having aesthetic values. All the songs were surprisingly catchy and fitted very well with situation. The short appearance of Nabil was refreshing and it was good to know that he could dance. The first half of the movie was funny and absorbing. Only for a moment, I felt it was dragging a little but otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed it. We would not expect Nabil to lack on humor anyway. There are other things though that I will be discussing in the next paras. In addition to the humor, the idea of addressing public issues impacted well and helped in engaging the audience.

Movie after intermission where Nabil needed to take the story to Climax and give us a happy ending, everyone could see what's coming. There was no surprise. In fact, the only surprise was that there was no surprise at all. Still, movie took so much time to reach and get passed the obvious movements.

The script overall did not have required depth in context of movie plot. Only at one point where they were specifically searching for a provision of law the writer does not seem to have subject matter knowledge. How court systems work, what kind of arguments and language is spoken in court of law; where judge should overrule or sustain the objections etc. Anyways we should not be expecting Pakistani movies to be comparable with international movies,where internationally they hire subject matter specialists to aid the writing of scripts and directorial details etc.

Fahad is an excellent actor but Mehwish needs to work on her acting a lot, like a hell lot. And what was Om Puri doing in the movie ??? His work, his dialogues should have been more strong to give an impact to his celebrated appearance especially given the fact that some of the movie posters were Only showing Om Puri. His final punch was too superficial, clichéd and short.If I am director of the movie I would spend hell lot of time and effort to give that scene proper depth, emotional appeal, technical correctness, comprehensive precision and summing up to make the audience awe about the whole movie.

On overall basis, I would recommend watching this movie but I expect better work can be done with the given resources.
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