Female Werewolf (2015)
* (out of 4)
A lesbian woman who appears to have a crush on her female co-worker also believes that she's turning into a werewolf.
It's pretty clear what writer-director Chris Alexander was trying to do with this picture and I respect him for trying something different. It seems this was supposed to be some sort of bizarre nightmare that you might have when you have a fever and have taken some strong medicine for it. It also seems that we've been given another slant on the werewolf theme but sadly it just doesn't work. I mean, this is supposed to be some sort of erotic dream but there's nothing entertaining about it and there's certainly nothing erotic.
The biggest problem is that the director did try to do something different but it just wasn't successful. I thought the film was extremely slow-moving even at just 65-minutes and there just wasn't enough of a story to keep you glued to what was going on. The majority of the film has one or both of the females walking around, cooking or doing a variety of other things but there's just no story here. You can argue that countless filmmakers did the same type of thing and that is true but they were able to draw you into the surreal nature and that just doesn't happen here.
* (out of 4)
A lesbian woman who appears to have a crush on her female co-worker also believes that she's turning into a werewolf.
It's pretty clear what writer-director Chris Alexander was trying to do with this picture and I respect him for trying something different. It seems this was supposed to be some sort of bizarre nightmare that you might have when you have a fever and have taken some strong medicine for it. It also seems that we've been given another slant on the werewolf theme but sadly it just doesn't work. I mean, this is supposed to be some sort of erotic dream but there's nothing entertaining about it and there's certainly nothing erotic.
The biggest problem is that the director did try to do something different but it just wasn't successful. I thought the film was extremely slow-moving even at just 65-minutes and there just wasn't enough of a story to keep you glued to what was going on. The majority of the film has one or both of the females walking around, cooking or doing a variety of other things but there's just no story here. You can argue that countless filmmakers did the same type of thing and that is true but they were able to draw you into the surreal nature and that just doesn't happen here.