A glorious return of the 1960's Batman and company...
15 October 2016
This 2016 animated movie was actually a wonderful surprise, and it was indeed a much needed addition to the collection of animated Batman movies. Why? Well, because "Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders" really captured the essence and the spirit of the glorious Batman series from the mid-1960s.

The animation was really good, and the art style was great. They really managed to make it all look like the Batman TV series from the mid-1960s. It was uncanny how much that the drawn Batman/Bruce Wayne actually resembled Adam West. I thoroughly enjoyed the particular drawing style that they went with in "Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders", because it really was a unique style in a retro-kind of way.

But even more impressively was the cast to the animated movie. It was a pure joy to have familiar voices and talents to return to the screen here. And there really is a lot of great stuff for fans of the TV series from 1966.

The story in "Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders" was just like an extended episode from the iconic TV series, complete with the hilarious dialogue and the exploding stars with various fight words when they were brawling on the screen, just like in the TV series.

As for the voice cast, well as I just said, then it was a pure treat to have so many talents return to the Batman universe and come together in this 2016 animated movie. And people were doing good jobs with their given roles in terms of voice acting. However, if you are not familiar with the 1966 TV series, then chances are very high that you will find the dialogue to be kind of weird, if not downright odd and bizarre.

"Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders" is definitely aimed for the audience whom grew up watching the TV series on the television, such as myself. And it was delivered in a most pleasing manner. And it always cracks me up to see that every item in the bat-cave and in the arsenal of Batman and Robin has to be labeled with Bat-something.

If you are a fan of the Adam West era of Batman, then you should definitely not let "Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders" slip by. This is, without a doubt, definitely worth sitting down and watching.
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