Falling Water (2016–2018)
Dream related show, needs to be watched very awaken
21 October 2016
The show has three main characters, somehow stereotypical, which individual plots dissolves in a messy and pretentious development. The continuous inner references joint their paths during this pilot, both in real life and their sleep – sometimes hard to say what is what. Not memorable acting, photography or soundtrack, but with promising story development. Sci-fi is never easy and they try to explain so much in a very unconventional way during a short chapter, that is where this premiere fails in my opinion. They try to connect so many things, as the dreams are supposed to be connected – but dreams don't always make sense. And for understanding (and not to fall sleep) you will need to be very awake, with your eyes wide open. Otherwise, you may miss the potential surprises this show may have for us in the upcoming episodes.

(sorry if my English is not so good)

Here you can find my extended review in Spanish:

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