Seen at the Viennale 2016: don't believe me, because I am biased already by Lemke's movies of the past. The actors and actresses are so easy going in his movies, life is played with verve and without regrets. Everybody looking at Unterwäschelügen must wish he or she would have the sloppiness and the big mouth of Lemke's cast. Henning plays such a charming, daring, careless (in small things), caring (on things that matter - as love) pseud. Mela Feigenbaum is a goddess and a cowgirl looking for nothing, but is going through life in a mood of absolute presence and playful fatality. The loose plot fragments are connected and driven by a jazzy pace. And everything about this movie is sexy, very sexy. As pretentious as youth shall be. But sadly, very often, youth does not dare in daily, real life. In high-school they should teach the children how to connect to life and love by watching Lemke's movies. Lemke's movies aim low, but fly high.