I was struck both with joy and sadness, happiness and sorrow, enthusiastic as well excited...tears flowed down in each and every scene both through laughing aloud and in deep sorrow flowing down my memory lane and straight through my heart... My sincere advise, please take your entire family to watch this memorable cinema which will take a lifetime to come through again.. thumps up...double thumps up....more and more. The entire narration from the beginning to end will keep you engrossed to know exactly what happens next. The entire scene is so well timed by each and every character, that it makes this movie a must watch. Kudos to the scriptwriter, dialogue deliverance by the actors and above all the fine character played by each and one as though these are already existing in each and every household. Please do watch the scene and the one liner comedy both being humorous and hilarious.. will go on and on to acclaim this marvelous masterpiece...will remain in my heart... forever