Review of Interruption

Interruption (II) (2015)
A beautiful experience
1 December 2016
Interruption is not a simple movie. It's an experience that blows your mind. What seems to be a modern representation of the Orestea from Eschilo is much much more. There are a lot of layers, themes and deep meanings that may make this movie complicated and unacceptable but also if you can't understand you can feel it. You can feel that you are looking at something amazing, beautiful in each of it's aspects. The ingenious direction is accompanied by a beautiful photography and the actors did an incredible job!

Watching it a lot of questions will come up to your mind and there will be no answers, because everyone is free to give their own interpretation such as in life everyone sees what they want to see.

Like it or not, is a masterpiece that absolutely needs to be seen, as an example of how strong cinema can be.
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