one of the films of my childhood. one of the most impressive for the scene of the terrible punishment of mother against his son. the atmosphere of old Brăila. the story of a not ordinary friendship. the not inspired dialogues. the sketch of an exotic universe. short, a film who could be blamed for many reasons. but each critic ignores a significant detail - Panait Istrati appertains to two different cultures. his origins are almost more Balcanic than Romanian. his work reflects the essence of memories, experiences, frustrations and perspectives of reality. and it is the answer to very different expectations from a not single category of public. so, this adaptation is the adaptation of Colpi. not so bad if you do not ignore the impossibility to adapt, in its profound significance, the novels of Istrati. real admirable for the effort to preserve the spirit of Codin. like a sketch not as a painting. but enough for give , after decades, precious memories to a viewer.