"The Tree in a Test Tube" is a color short film from 1943. It is World War II and there were so many American propaganda films out there. This is one of these. And it is more known than many of the others because of the inclusion of Laurel & Hardy (both around the age of 50 here). But they only show up in the first couple minutes and afterward, it becomes even more bland than it already was early on. Not even this duo can turn mediocrity to gold. I don't know who I would recommend this film to, maybe foresters I guess. Pete Smith, an Academy Award darling, also worked on this one here and I cannot say that it made m e curious about any of his many many other works. There's 6-minute and 10 minute versions (restored DVD) of this one out there and I can only say the shorter the better, even if I watched the 10-minute version. Thumbs down from me. Don't check it out unless you really love Laurel & Hardy.