Jolson at this best
22 August 2016
A relatively little-known Al Jolson vehicle, happily brought back by TCM, that's a pleasure to watch. Here, Jolson plays a Broadway star with a king-size ego who has alienated so many producers that he can't land even a bit part. So he decides to produce his own show, co-starred with a tap-dancing gamin played by Ruby Keeler. This is the only time the couple appeared on screen together and the chemistry works. Ms. Keeler wasn't that pretty and her dancing sometimes resembled an attempt to stamp out cockroaches but her spunky appeal shines through. The production numbers, particularly "A Quarter to Nine," are first-rate and the plot contrivances -- including a rub-out attempt by a ticked-off mobster -- don't detract from what the movie is really about. Watching Jolson sail through a half-dozen songs with his energetic verve, sidestepping a plot that never gets in the way.
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