Meet the Press (1947– )
Changing The Channel
26 February 2017
I have always loved Meet The Press, but now I am changing my channel. I looked forward to having a cup of coffee and watch the news for the week. I have always been a Democrat, however, I feel everyone has the right to their opinion and the News Stations should deliver the news, not pass on judgment in an unfair manner. Tim Russert was a fine journalist. He was a Democrat, but he delivered news in a fair a respectful way. It discusses me to see how Chuck Todd delivers attacks and an extremely disrespectful way.

It is obvious that his assessment was poor before the election. He led everyone to believe Donald Trump would lose. Obviously, he has no insight. Now, he continues his poor assessment. DELIVER THE NEWS!!! Respect America.

I have watched Meet The Press for 50 years, but no longer. I have changed the channel for as long as Chuck Todd delivers negative disgusting reviews of America and the president that America voted to represent us.
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