This is obviously evident, or evidently obvious that this crap from UK is a pure example of the new kind of British crime film industry and highly inspired from the early Quentin Tarantino's features. The new wave of the crime films that we find by batches since two decades now. Movies each one of them worst than the other, a sort of rivalry in crap, garbage race. The worst is not the lack of budget but the pretentious style, with complex stories used as decoys for the audience to forget the total dullness of those forgettable features. You may also find some HEAT inspiration too, especially during the heist sequence. I don't think that any one could be able to summarize correctly this non sense tale, this absurd corny film. This movie is although not the bottom of the garbage can. I have seen far far worse than this one. This kind of stuff could never be released in France, even straight to DVD releases. No way at all, no chance. Funny that the marksman character looks like Quentin Tarantino. Ha ha ha...