Insulting and offensive on so many levels.
20 April 2017
I am giving it two stars because I read in more than one source that 1-star and 10-star votes are not counted, or counted with less value.

This is a truly awful movie. I thought it would be light and entertaining but it is neither.

The acting is poor and there is nothing comedic here, only cliché. Worst of all is the juvenile treatment of positions contrary to the left's point of view and their stereotyping of persons who hold such positions. It reinforces the fact that "liberals" are actually the ultra-conservative, closed-minded, intolerant persons they claim to hate and swear they themselves are not. Interesting that apparently only they can be offended; it doesn't seem to bother them to offend their fellow countrymen deeply ... and with such a low-brow, intellectually bankrupt attempt besides.

It's so bad, I thought it was Canadian.
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