An Anti-Christian movie
25 December 2016
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Warning: Spoilers
This movie shows (on the screen) of atheists and non-Christians as being ridiculous, but it just ends up showing us (off the screen) how ridiculous many Christians in the US are.

This movie doesn't work in many Christian countries except in the US, where Christians are under the illusion that they're being attacked.

This movie comes from the same kind of thinking that using "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" is an attack on Jesus himself. Xmas is used in situations where Christmas is too long (license plates, usernames, hashtags like #xmas2016, etc.). The symbol X for Christ has been in use for 1000 years, this is not a recent thing. Let's not forget another symbol that looks like X that is used for Christ.

This movie ignores facts and realities.

For example, early on the teacher is told that her actions/wrongdoings will be judged in a civil court, but the parents are so outraged that they may up it to the criminal court. Hold on, what? The criminal court is not a degree of civil court. If steal $200 of Snickers you go to the criminal court, you don't go to the Maximum Civil Court. These are different branches of the justice system, they're not degrees. You can't bump up a case to the criminal court with outrage just as you can't send a murderer down to civil court where it's easier to win. This movie pretends that the parent's outrage (they are feeling "yucky" was the quote) can send the case to criminal court, what about if the parents are feeling generous? Can they send it down to family court?

It doesn't work that way.

What Grace did was not a crime. I'm not saying "poor little Gracie is not a criminal," I'm saying that there are no laws in the penal code, state or federal, that she has broken. It doesn't matter how outraged anyone is. The penal code has laws, like murder (1st and 2nd degree) manslaughter, rape, theft, larceny, attempt, conspiracy, accomplice, etc. There is not one single law in the criminal code in the United States that refers to mentioning Jesus in the classroom.

Forget getting to a judge, the police cannot arrest you for that. That would be unlawful arrest. Yes, criminal law means police, it means arrest, it means jail, but it means a lot of forms to fill and in that form you have to specify the crime. It means a bail hearing, a guilty-not-guilty plea. I'm surprised this movie did not bring the FBI into it, maybe a SWAT team storms the school to seize bibles,

This movie pretends that the state can just make up laws on the fly and arrest Grace and charge her with laws that don't exist.

The bad guys are people that say "We want to prove once and for all that God's dead." They hit her with injunctions, lawyer's fees, trying to bankrupt her. The bad guys also reject a juror (in jury selection) because he's a marine. Apparently atheists hate America too.

As a Christian, I see this movie has succeeded in inflaming negative feelings against Christianity. It makes it look as if secularists are anti-Christian and anti- God. Many actual Christians don't want to send their kids to school that mix things up. Science class is for science, English class is for English, math for math and religion is for religion. I don't want my kids going to a school where random teachers waste my children's team. My kids already go to teachers (bible class) who know what they're teaching, not some random unqualified hack giving their personal interpretation of the bible. But this movie would put me on the side of those who want to kill God or prove that he's dead.

This movie is a success in getting people to have more hatred for Christians. Just reading the review section of this movie is enough. This is another version of Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas.

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