great kitano movie!
26 December 2016
Not many hype for his movie in recent year, unless he did some yakuza stuff, people will swarming all over him. But sometime people forget that he is good with drama stuff too, but still, yakuza element will always be included. This time, he is not the one who direct his own movie, he hired Hiroshi Shimizu for this one, and its come out good, like his past movies. Do you like "Kids Return" (1996)? If you do, you will surely like this one. Its quite similar, but this one is better than its predecessor. The likable plot, the usual weirdness, the less dialogue stuff. Everything is mixed up so well until its become so enjoyable to watch. I love the silent scene, its not just some meaningless scene, its a meaningful scene that invite audience to think together with the actor. What will happen next? why you do that? Everything happen in this movie is so unpredictable! Highly recommended!
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