The Illegal Eater (2013– )
very bad
25 December 2016
Grew up, raised in TO, Leaside to be specific. Traveled all over the planet. TO is very cool but getting not as good as it used to be. Part of it is the "wanna be something else". It's not anything else, just be TO, YYZ, Hogtown, the big smoke, pick a winner. All one has to do is get out into the public space and see how many others from foreign lands have moved to TO because of it's worldwide reputation as a hugely cosmo city, which it is, but it has gone overboard, as all great cities do. Plus it is massively expensive, in the parts one would like to live in. Average homes in Leaside are about $2 million. New York or San Fran of Canada. This show is bad and puts a poor light on TO. People not from TO like the host are never part of the true scene. Wanna-be's. Money or less money, you can be there. Enjoy life. Since I can write, am well educated, watched the CN Tower be built. Yup, watched the Sikorsky helicopter place the last piece in 1975. My name is in the time capsule. Ontario Place too. Steven Page is a TO poser. Tool. Don't waste your time.
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