Dicte (2013–2016)
Had Me Until Season 3
29 December 2016
I loved this show. LOVED this show. However, in Season 3 that all changed.

First, the good: There's a lot to like in "Dicte." Iben Hjelje - who was excellent way back in "Hi Fidelity" with John Cusack several years ago (check it out if you haven't) - continues to be a wonderful and versatile actress who lights up the screen with her infectious laugh and beautiful smile. The characters are well drawn; you care about what happens to them, and after two seasons I was definitely invested. The plots are interesting and don't only focus on one murder, although at times there are story lines that drift off, only to be picked up again in later episodes.

Now, the not-so-good: All of this unfortunately changed in Season 3. I won't spoil it for you, but I will say that the show took a drastic turn and went off in a completely different direction - it became stressful and ultimately an unhappy experience for me, so I quit watching halfway through. The show's creators had a wonderful thing going; I understand wanting to try something "new," but in this case, it just didn't work. Without being able to give any context this is difficult to explain, but after one episode you'll see what I mean.

It's too bad; there are so few great shows out right now and "Dicte" was a fun twist on the excellent-but-too-prevalent Scandanavian police drama. That said, if it ain't broke, please don't fix it. Too late on this one. Definitely check out seasons 1 and 2, though!
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