In the not too distant future the new sport of keijo has become popular in Japan. The sport involves bikini clad women battling to knock each other off floating platforms using only their buttocks and breasts! We are introduced to the world of keijo by following Nozomi Kaminashi, a gymnast who has entered a keijo school. Here she competes with fellow students and makes friends while ultimately progressing to the elite class where she will learn more skills that she will need if she is going to become professional.
In the unlikely case that you are expecting a serious sports anime you will be disappointed; this is all about girls in bikinis fighting in ways that aren't physically possible. Obviously there is a fair amount of fan service but for the most part it doesn't feel too sleazy. This is largely because the characters are likable and even though the way they fight isn't vaguely possible it is entertaining and one can't help supporting our protagonists. As the series continues things get more interesting as they take on a rival school on platforms that have more and more intricate designs. The animation is pretty good and the characters are distinctive. It works largely because it takes its central premise seriously making us believe the characters even during the physics defying fights. Overall I'd say that this was a lot of fun, certainly much better than I expected admittedly I wasn't expecting much; I'd hoped for 'so bad it is good' but got 'genuinely good'.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
In the unlikely case that you are expecting a serious sports anime you will be disappointed; this is all about girls in bikinis fighting in ways that aren't physically possible. Obviously there is a fair amount of fan service but for the most part it doesn't feel too sleazy. This is largely because the characters are likable and even though the way they fight isn't vaguely possible it is entertaining and one can't help supporting our protagonists. As the series continues things get more interesting as they take on a rival school on platforms that have more and more intricate designs. The animation is pretty good and the characters are distinctive. It works largely because it takes its central premise seriously making us believe the characters even during the physics defying fights. Overall I'd say that this was a lot of fun, certainly much better than I expected admittedly I wasn't expecting much; I'd hoped for 'so bad it is good' but got 'genuinely good'.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.