The Fight Within truly has a place and purpose on the big screen
30 December 2016
There are reasons for the rating of a 9! First, the Message. Hell fire and brimstone does not appeal to the masses. But out of a spirit of love much work for the Kingdom can be done. As this is the case here. No tricks no scare tactics just offering an example of how to be a witness to those who are searching. Remember a movie can only tell part of a story. I believe The Fight Within is a great testimony of the circumstances that we all face. Our daily struggle of inconsistency etc. I believe that this movie could and should capture the attention of all youth groups whether it be church groups clubs sports teams dance teams etc. is it gonna knock your socks off with action? No, but it gives you that! could something spoken in the lines of this movie cause a change in someone's life, heart, spirit, mind? I truly think so! ATTENTION ALL YOUTH LEADERS...show this movie to your youth!
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