What We Lost
31 December 2016
When Robin Williams died, we lost one of the most creative forces in the history of the entertainment world. He seemed able to latch on to any sort of role and make it his, with that nonstop mind of his. This, of course, has him impersonating a 60 something British nanny who moves in with his own kids in order to be near them. His ex- is Sally Field. Of course, it seems unlikely he would be able to get away with this, but in the context of the movie, he does. What we have from there on are sight gags, close calls, and marvelous improvisation from the master. He also creates an endearing figure that would still pass as a wonderful grandma type in any case. There were times when I forgot Williams was in that costume. There is a delicate touch here that really works. One of the best movies of the year.
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