Possessing Piper Rose (2011 TV Movie)
Good movie. Other review say cause isn't gory is stupid
4 January 2017
Let me tell you gore doesn't make a movie. The movie was great it goes for the old horror movie you don't need gore to make a great horror movie. Loved this movie, good effects, good acting it doesn't look like it was made for T.V. If you are a true horror fan and not a stupid little teenagers or adult I highly recommend the movie. It did scare me .It was well done. Realistic.I really love this movie is different it might look similar but is actually very different from the mainstreams possession movies. Just give it a try if you truly love art and you are not in just for the gore or the organs falling out or head chopping around that you won't find it here, but things that would make you tremble?, yes you will.
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