This movie should have been way better. I'm not sure why. No real excitement in the writing maybe. Maybe some of the attempts at comedy just fell flat. We have attractive likable leads. The couples parents have a great actor and actress we recognize and like. The brother is witty. There were a lot of themes and good ones- daughter in law pleasing mother in law, surprise pregnancy, loss of job due to a just cause. The movie was pleasant, but it did not have any real emotion, except for a moment when the mother in law is given a locket. The story just did not have good focus and did not come together in a compelling way. I did doze about half way but rewound and re-watched those parts. I see the original title is "A Perfect Christmas" and this is a good title- they even say it in the ending. "An Unexpected Christmas" just doesn't do it. Maybe an Alicia Witt could have saved this movie. This was a missed opportunity. I am thankful for the try.
Review of A Perfect Christmas
A Perfect Christmas
(2016 TV Movie)
Perfect is the Last Word I'd Use to Descibe this Movie
13 January 2017