Review of Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
A masterpiece.
16 January 2017
I'll make this short.

You know that feeling you get, when you bought something you were unsure about, then you open it and instantly regret having spent money on that?

I felt the same way about spending time to watch television series the last decade.

You get invested in the first episodes and then the plot just gets thinner and thinner and after a few episodes you notice what crap you're wasting your time on.

Well there was no remorse on this series for me. This is on a whole different level. This series makes other series look like "The dark Knight" made old comic book movies look like. It's just that good. I didn't think I'd see something this good ever. This will blow up and it's justified.

The plot starts as a family drama and slowly weaves in a con plot while rapidly picking up pace and creating the tensest experience I ever had while watching TV. It's masterfully crafted.

Watch it, you won't regret it.
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