Am I The Only One Who Saw This As Satire?
17 January 2017
From word go this series read as pure satire to me. This isn't about the sixties. It's about today set in in the sixties. I've read several other reviews and apparently I'm the only one who focused in on this. In fact, no one else even mentioned it. Am I really the only one? Half the dialogue is, yes, shout-outs to the sixties, but half the dialogue is also straight out of our recent presidential primary and election. I think if people approach this show as a political commentary rather than a comedy it will read much funnier. Just a suggestion.

Woody Allen feels as clunky as always and certainly this is not a comfortable venue for Allen in storytelling. Still, they're hitting us over our heads with quotes straight out of the Bernie Sander's campaign speeches and everyone is talking about less-than-subtle parallels with Salinger. We get the Salinger connection but not the Bernie Sanders ones? Were it many months or years past this monstrous political year we just experienced (and are still experiencing,) I might understand this. In our current political space in time, however, I'm surprised to see this element dismissed.

If that's really the case, then personally, I think we need a lot more headbanging. Anything but subtle correlations with just how far backward we have gone in this country should be the only thing allowed...if it's a satirical political commentary you're after, that is.

Probably, that's not what anyone was expecting from Woody Allen, including Allen. But that's how nearly every scene of this series read to me.

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