The reason that the BBC version is only 10 episodes is not because it is edited, it is because they have left off the final six.
The mystery is solved in the tenth episode, but from bits and pieces on the Telecinco website, you can work out that there are a lot more twists and turns to follow.
Perhaps the BBC decided that the plot twists were already dizzying enough and no more was needed. I was reasonably satisfied with the 10- episode ending, but it does not correspond to the 16-episode one.
The mystery is solved in the tenth episode, but from bits and pieces on the Telecinco website, you can work out that there are a lot more twists and turns to follow.
Perhaps the BBC decided that the plot twists were already dizzying enough and no more was needed. I was reasonably satisfied with the 10- episode ending, but it does not correspond to the 16-episode one.