Review of Nit i dia

Nit i dia (2016–2017)
A complicated exploration of deeper demons
2 September 2017
Believing that a serial killer is at the heart of the show would miss the finer aspects of this deep, complicated, Spanish Noir series It manages to keep a slew of stories aloft while throwing in teaser tidbits for distraction. There are no heroes here, mostly imperfect humans with varying degrees of appeal or revulsion. Almost every major character, and there are many, is explored enough to let us almost know them but to leave us questioning still. The title,I assume, is a metaphor for how we show ourselves to the outer world by day and how we trot out our demons by night. The killer is the least interesting of them all. Psychopaths can be so dull in real life. Lack of guilt and lack of remorse are traits of inhumanity. Lust, desire, loneliness, grief, ambition, guilt, and remorse, are part and parcel of us.
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