From what I gather this is the second film in the "Kommissar X" series and takes place in Sri Lanka with several thugs from a criminal gang known as "the Golden Cats" attempting to kidnap a wealthy woman named "Babs Lincoln" (Ann Smyrner) and hold her for a ransom of $1 million. Although she manages to escape one of her assistants is killed and an American police officer named "Captain Tom Rowland" (Brad Harris) is sent by the United States government to investigate. Additionally, since her father is one of the wealthiest men in America, a private detective named "Joe Walker" (Tony Kendall) is also sent to act as her bodyguard. Naturally, since both Joe Walker and Captain Rowland present an impediment to their plans, the Golden Cats have an assortment of methods-which includes the use of karate, vials of nitroglycerin and bacteriological agents-at their disposal to eliminate them. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film certainly had potential but the rather unstructured direction caused it to seem somewhat drab and confusing. To be sure, the exotic location of Sri Lanka and the presence of both Michele Mahaut (as "Michele") and Ann Smyrner helped to enhance the scenery--but other than that there really wasn't much here for me to rank this film any higher than I have. Average.