Forza 3 is a game that I will always remember, this game gave me many memories during my childhood, the graphics have a ton of detail and are amazing, the extensive amount of tracks and cars are jaw-dropping, 400 cars 400 CARS!!!!!!!!, and the gameplay is fun and addictive, the just one more mentality is the case with this game, the leveling up system adds a significant hook to the game as it gives you an increasing amount of money per level and you get a free car, FREE CAR!!!!!!!, the customization is very addictive, while I was playing the game I wanted to customize every car, and there is a crap load of events, this game can go to 200 hours! if you do everything, that is totally getting your money's worth out of this game, and there is a wide variety of cars and tracks, I can go for hours talking about this game, but to sum it up, buy this game, you will not regret it! And to Microsoft, make this game Backwards compatible, please do!
Review of Forza Motorsport 3
Forza Motorsport 3
(2009 Video Game)
This game is a masterpiece and the epitome of all racing simulators
6 May 2017