15 May 2017
For one there is the responsibility of making a good remake as it seems. While I was watching it, I was not aware of this being a remake. I'm going out on a limb here and will believe a fellow reviewer on IMDb when he says this is a Remake of a Mexican movie. So yes while Americans do like to Remake world movies (including French movies), the French do like to do so also.

And why shouldn't they? Especially when you get a result like that. You probably have seen or at least heard of Omar Sy (if you watch this very close to the release that is, not like 50 years later) and he is a very likable guy. While his character has flaws, a new family situation changes everything. Now that isn't completely new, even Adam Sandler and The Rock have done similar movies, but this still feels sort of unique. And most important of all it is funny
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