Twin Peaks (2017)
A show like no other!
22 May 2017
Wow, what an absolute ride! 25 years after the critically acclaimed Twin Peaks was abruptly cancelled by ABC, Showtime's 2017 revival is going to baffle and enrage many people including new viewers and fans. And that is exactly what TV needs right now. I'm a big fan of the original show as well as the majority of David Lynch's work. However, even I did not expect the type of show that this has ultimately turned out to be. In short, Lynch has created something wholly unique and original that doesn't abide to the normal conventions of most television. It's abstract and many will find its pace far too slow but it helps in giving that Lynchian atmosphere that his dearest fans so love. Already, I predict that many of the images both from the iconic Red Room as well as some of the new imagery will satisfy die-hard Lynch fans and will leave an impression for years to come.

From these first four episodes/hours, Lynch and Frost aren't answering many of the original show's most burning questions. The first two hours almost seem like a series of vignettes (much like Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire)in which many plot lines are introduced, yet you still question how they will ultimately connect. Whilst the town of Twin Peaks does feature heavily, much of the new season so far has been set in a variety of new locations. Episode three is incredibly abstract almost feeling like something out of Eraserhead whilst episode 4 is probably the most similar to the original series out of the episodes released so far.

The acting is also superb. This is probably the best work I've seen from Kyle Maclachlan (Special Agent Dale Cooper). Without giving away too much, this is not the same Cooper that so many of the fans are used to seeing. This is a man who has been affected by what has happened during this bizarre 25 year gap and Maclachlan is incredible at channelling this. Without spoiling which original characters appear in these episodes, it's nice to see that many of them have not lost their charming touch. I'm also optimistic about some of the new cast. Whilst the most memorable characters are of course ones from the original show, I am interested to see where many of their plot lines take us.

One thing that is missing so far is perhaps is a sense of a central mystery that became so important to the original show. So far, there is no "who killed Laura Palmer" mystery that hangs over the show.

In conclusion, the new series of Twin Peaks is unlike most shows on TV. Even as a hardcore fan, it may take some time getting used to the new mood, atmosphere and characters. However, so far I'm utterly hooked and I cannot wait to see where this journey Lynch and Frost have started will ultimately take us.
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