Very underrated film!
23 May 2017
I first saw this film back in 2004 a few years after it had been released, it was playing on TV at a friends house and I remember thinking it was one of the coolest westerns I had ever seen. Unfortunately I didn't catch the title of the film but I would always think about it and how cool it was hoping to one day see the full film. I tried googling it for years or describing it to people to see if they had ever heard of it but to no avail. Fast forward to 2017 and I just happen to think about the film again so I googled it and happened to remember the line of dialogue "People remember evil long after they have forgotten good." Boom there it was the film I had been trying to find for all those years! Now after watching it again I remember why I was so obsessed with this film in the first place. Brad Hunt's character Morphinist is absolutely terrifying and has to be one of the best western villains I have ever seen! The plot is not necessarily the most involved but the characters are very well done and totally make the film worth watching. I would recommend this film to any western fan!
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