I kinda like the plot of this movie and did not expect this kinda plot twist in a Malaysian movie. Kudos to the young director Shafiq Yusof for the great and neat storyline. Although some of the vfx are kinda poor and I know it was because of the budget and limitation of the CGI tech in Malaysia. Hiring international company for Malaysian market will just burst the budget, unless if the audience of this movie come from all over the globe then the movie maker should do something about it. The characters did well in the movie and different accents of Malay language is a good platform to show the uniqueness of Malay language. Fighting scene and the 'logic' of gun-fighting should also be taken into account. Some people are easily turned off by the unreal physic of the bullet and etc. But overall, fighting in suit reminds me of Kingsman movie and thanks to Wak Doyok, I believe he was one of the costume advisors in this film. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more action movie like this.