November Criminals (2017) This is a crime drama about college bound friends find themselves falling for one another, but after the mysterious murder of their classmate, they defy the authorities to uncover the truth. The film has been released straight to video on demand, before a limited theatrical release. It stars Ansel Elgort (Baby Driver) and Chloë Grace Moretz (Kick Ass). These are two of my favorite young actors of today. Viewers had mixed reactions and critics felt it was very thin. Everyone seems to agree it failed to to reach its potential. There simply wasn't any movement in the film. I want to get an understanding of the crime. They failed to give us pieces to the puzzle until nearly the close of the film. This is actually a film that could have been far better with just a little more time. Both the love story and the investigation needed to be beefed up. It would have helped get the viewers more invested. I would have tweaked the ending myself. Not horrible, just weak.