"Sea Oak" is an American English-language short film from 2017 that combines comedy with some other genres, mostly horror, and was released just a couple days ago as one of the suggestions by Amazon that may be turned into a full series. It is based on a short story by George Saunders and directed by Emmy nominee Hiro Murai. But the really big names are in the cast here. Glenn Close plays a (not so) dead old virgin while the younger generation is represented by Jack Quaid, Sarah Hay, Jane Levy, James Van Der Beek and a couple others. Of course, we shall see how these would return in terms of quantity if this actually gets picked up, but the star potential makes it likely for enough people to enjoy the watch here. We shall see. I think entertainment-wise it needed a couple minutes to really get going, but the second half certainly makes it worth seeing and it seems like a solid take that still offers something new and refreshing in a year where stuff like The Walking Dead has been running for ages, which also means something. Overall, it could indeed happen I watch this if it gets picked up, especially because I cannot deny being a pretty big Jane Levy fanboy, but the others are fine too, especially Glenn Close who really shines in the last couple minutes here. Go see it, this slightly over half an hour certainly has some fun potential.